Shit... the name I gave to the Blog is becoming an obsession to me...
The band I was talking about in my second post, "Los Planetas" have a song named "Desorden" (apart from the mentioned "Disorder" cover). This song has the following lyrics:
Hay un cuerpo girando en la cocinaal final de una cuerda atada a una viga.Toda la tarde viendo películas.Hoy es 18, ella se ha ido.Hace demasiado tiempo ahora ya no está conmigo.Demasiado tiempo metido en este sitio.Y ahora estoy hablando sin sentido,la vida pendiente de un hilo.Me gustará saber de qué ha servidosi nunca nadie ha entendido.He estado dando vueltas por toda la casa.He encontrado algunas fotosque hace tiempo no miraba.Estos recuerdos parten mi alma.Si hubiera encontrado las palabrasahora no estaría sólo en casa.Tan sólo dos palabras exactas,pero no pude decirte nada.¿Qué puedo hacer si no puedo hacer nadapara acabar con algo que no acaba?Which google translates the following way:
There is a rotating body in the kitchen At the end of a rope tied to a beam. The whole afternoon watching movies. Today is 18, she is gone. For too long now it is not me. Too much time getting in this site. And now I am talking nonsense, Life on a pin. I will like to know what has served If anyone has ever understood. I have been running around all over the house. I found some pictures Not long ago it looked. These memories part my soul. If I had found the words Now is not only at home. Only two exact words, But I could not say anything. What can I do if I can not do anything to end with something that does not end?Not a very good translation, but I guess you get the idea... it is Ian Curtis last day, the day he committed suicide. Wikipedia says the following about Ian Curtis' death:
In the early hours of Sunday, May 18, 1980, in his kitchen after having viewed Werner Herzog's film Stroszek and listening to Iggy Pop's The Idiot, Curtis hanged himself. Many rumours surround the possible reasons for his suicide, with his poor health and failed marriage most often suggested.[2]